Saturday, October 7, 2017

MLP:FIM Once Upon a Zepplen

This was the first episode written by Brittany Jo Flores. It was storyboarded by Roxana Beiklik and Aynsley King, both of whom started boarding for the show for the season 4 premiere.

This is a really enjoyable episode even if it treads familiar grounds. Twilight's predicament is extremely relatable as we have all felt like this at times. She is of course very likable since all she wants to do is make everybody else happy. However even she has a point where her kindness can be taken too much advantage of and this again is very understandable. This episode also marks the return of Iron Will. I like this appearance much better than his first appearance. In that episode I never saw why we were supposed to see him as a villain because he did nothing wrong, and this got a little annoying. Here he actually does some mean and selfish things and because of this he works as a villain here. This episode also has some good humor as well as a familiar but charming story.

-Michael J. Ruhland