Saturday, September 26, 2015

MLP:EG Friendship Games

If you told me last decade, that a made for TV movie based off of a TV show based off My Little Pony would be this good I would not have believed you. However due to the current TV show and the previous Equestria Girls films, I found myself to be quite excited for this movie, and that excitement was well founded. This is a great movie. This is an excellent film, that will thrill those who are already fans of the franchise, and entertain those who aren't yet (However if you hate the franchise (after being exposed to it of course) it won't change you're mind.). It is a real treat, and a love letter to the fans.

Of course the biggest treat of the film is to see these characters. These characters are amazing, and even when I just saw them earlier today, I found myself excited to see them again. Every time I see these characters I feel like I am visiting old friends, and a warm feeling comes over me (Truth be told even if this wasn't a good film (Which it definitely was a good film) I would probably have still just been happy to see these characters in another feature film (something that is rare for me to say)). Speaking of great characters, Sunset Shimmer again proves to become a better character with each film she appears in. In the first film I found her a good villain, but still not anywhere near on par with the characters from the show, but in the second film with her being reformed, she became a much more interesting character, and in this film she has shown that she is just as great of character as any of those from the show. Honestly I want more of these films, just to see more of her. Unfortunately the new Crystal Prep characters are not that memorable, and the principal is too one note, but none of that is bad at all.

This film was simply a lot of fun. The humor in this film is quite good, and ranges from really funny to just a little funny, but no joke in the film really falls flat. Each joke works, and just adds to the likability, and fun of this film and this franchise. This film is also full of nice little moments that just make this a fun ride all the way through. Also adding to the fun is Daniel Ingram's fantastic songs.
The handling of Twilight in this film is brilliant writing. This character and the uniqueness of the spot she is in is handled fantastically. A twist towards the end is down right amazing.

This film though is better as a part of a franchise than it is as a stand alone film. Therefore this is not a great place to start, because those unfamiliar with the TV series and the previous Equestria Girls films would likely only think this film is good, while those who are familiar will think it is great. It is simply made for those who are already fans and those who aren't better start somewhere else. This is a good stand alone film but a great installment to the series. This film also could have benfited from a longer running time, it does feel slightly rushed at times. Overall this is a great film that is a love letter to it's fans.

-Michael J. Ruhland